sigorta ettirmek

  1. Verb to take out an insurance policy
  2. Verb to maintain insurance
overinsure Noun, Insurance
underinsure Noun, Insurance
to buy insurance for ... Verb
to insure below value Verb
to insure one's own life for the benefit of the other Verb
to insure one's own life for the benefit of the other Verb
to insure something against all risks Verb
to insure in an insurance office Verb
to assure sb's life Verb
to assure sb's life Verb
to insure one's house against fire Verb
to insure one's house against fire Verb
to insure out and home Verb
to insure one's life Verb
to insure one's life life Verb
to have one's life assured Verb
to insure oneself for 20,000 dollars Verb
to insure oneself for $ 20,000 Verb
to insure a number in a lottery Verb
to insure a number in lottery Verb